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Showing posts from February, 2021

Web Development - and why simple sites are better

Web Development has been a vital part of any company's job description for a long time now. Any product, service, or business needs to have a website to 'make it big' in this world of technology. But do we really need over-engineered, slow, and messy websites? Usually messy code is a result of people copying templates or other websites blindly without properly separating parts of the code to other files. Just because that one XYZ site uses stupid nesting of divs and a thousand class names, doesn't make it cool or easy to work with. Code like these are pretty easy to find nowadays, when no one learns to develop websites from scratch and blindly copies templates into their own project. In this picture below, the information given is 7-10 words, but the crazy nesting takes up rest of the page. Not only is this incredibly hard to maintain and modify...